Today, I got a few community message, brought to you by
Guys and girls...
Don't leave your laptop or any look a like laptop in your bag...
Just a few days ago, when I stumble upon a long kang with 4 bags in it...
OMG!! 4 the freaking bags!
The bags was return to their repective owners.. and, well, I came to find out that..
Most of the cases happen at McD Taman Connaught.. WTF.. all on the same day!!
The perompak don't care about your car.. DUH... they'll just break the window and snatch whatever they can get..and run off..
As far as I know, It's a green MyVi.. and Its a Chinese.. WTF...
What a shame being a chinese now la.. haha.. anyway..
thats not the only thing, somehow, now, people are starting to steal petrol also!! OMG!!
Time to install lock on your petrol cover!!
Bigboysoven baing class for july is already up!!
I wanted to blog on this last month, but, I was too busy. anyway..
if you are interested in baking..
here is the details for you...
Do drop me a sample if you come tru my blog and ended up going to his workshop yea.. :D
Laughters is a good medicine.. If i can make you laught, I'm indirectly giving you a medicine..
so, thats community work too right.. anyway... start laughing!!
Guys and girls...
Don't leave your laptop or any look a like laptop in your bag...
Just a few days ago, when I stumble upon a long kang with 4 bags in it...
OMG!! 4 the freaking bags!
The bags was return to their repective owners.. and, well, I came to find out that..
Most of the cases happen at McD Taman Connaught.. WTF.. all on the same day!!
The perompak don't care about your car.. DUH... they'll just break the window and snatch whatever they can get..and run off..
As far as I know, It's a green MyVi.. and Its a Chinese.. WTF...
What a shame being a chinese now la.. haha.. anyway..
thats not the only thing, somehow, now, people are starting to steal petrol also!! OMG!!
Time to install lock on your petrol cover!!
Bigboysoven baing class for july is already up!!
I wanted to blog on this last month, but, I was too busy. anyway..
if you are interested in baking..
here is the details for you...
BAKING IS AWESOME BUT CREATIVE BAKING IS HEAVEN !!!Sidney never give me a free lesson.. *hint hint*.. but.. i heard it's good...
sms : 012 302 1269
website: BBObakingclass
19th JULY
9.30am - 12.30pm . . . . .OPERA CAKE
The classic opera flavours of coffee and chocolate with the elements of joconde, syrup, buttercream and ganache.
FEE: RM150 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of Bake to Take Home)
2.30pm - 5.30pm . . . . .THE MACARONS
Our all time favourite class, The Macaron. Sunny Yaw will show you how to make them and you will get the pleasure to make some your own too. (Almond, Hazelnut, Illy, Black Sesame, White Sesame)
FEE: RM220 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of YOUR Bakes to Take Home)
20th JULY
9.30am - 12.30pm . . . . . MATCHA MOUSSECAKE
The classic matcha (greentea) moussecake comes with layered matcha cake sponge and awesome matcha mousse and finish off with greentea cake flakes.
FEE: RM150 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Sunny Yaw Choice's of Ingredient + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of Bake to Take Home)
2.30pm - 5.30pm . . . . .THE TARTELETTE MACARONS
Indulge with our Tartelette Macarons Class, a classic new age tartelette comes in a variety of colours and fillings . . . totally awesome, something you ever tasted before. Sunny Yaw will show you how to make them and you will get the pleasure to make some your own too. Show your creativity!
(Note: Fillings may come in Chesnut, Rasberry, Strawberry, Blueberry, Mango . . . depends on availability - omnly 3 flavours will be used for the class)
FEE: RM200 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of YOUR Bakes to Take Home)
26th JULY
9.30am - 12.30pm . . . . .FRAISE
The refreshing Fraise (strawberry) moussecake comes with layered cake sponge and fraiser mousse with infused fresh strawberries and yet top with a layer of delicious frasier jelly.
FEE: RM150 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Sunny Yaw Choice's of Ingredient + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of Bake to Take Home)
2.30pm - 5.30pm . . . . .THE CHOUX PASTRIES
In this class we will zoom into a variety of Choux Pastry such as Religieuse, Paris Brest (Ring) and Cookies Eclair.
FEE: RM150 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of Bake to Take Home)
27th JULY
9.30am - 12.30pm . . . . .Creamcheese Tart & Chocolat Fraise Tart
The classic petite almond tart with creamcheese and strawberry chocolat fillings . . . . . taste so unique and so delicious.
FEE: RM150 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of Bake to Take Home)
2.30pm - 5.30pm . . . . .Bake the Rouleau
Let do the rouleau using the a varitey of soft japanese cake sponge, chocolat, matcha and vanilla!
Price: RM150 (Prepayment Required)
Limited Pre-Booking is Advisable!
(Demo + Recipe Pack + Coffee Break + Food Tasting + A Box of Freshly Baked to Take Home)
Regards Sidney
Do drop me a sample if you come tru my blog and ended up going to his workshop yea.. :D
Laughters is a good medicine.. If i can make you laught, I'm indirectly giving you a medicine..
so, thats community work too right.. anyway... start laughing!!

Did that help?

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