It is time, to do your country good!
It is time, to vote!

No, I'm not asking you to vote in the upcoming country's election,
Not asking you sent join Al Gore sent in his Global Warming Memorandum,
Asking you to vote for democracy in Myanmar.
This is even more bigger, ever more important, then voting at Malaysian Idol!
It is, voting for Kuala Lumpur as one of the city in Monopoly World Edition!
It would be so cool to get together with some of your oversea university mates, and play a game which has your country in it!
" Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia and has an estimated population of 1.5 million.Key sites in the city include the Petronas Towers, the second tallest towers in the world and the many vibrant, authentic Hawker markets.
Renowned as a truly Asian city, the population is made up of Malay, Chinese and Indian inhabitants, as well as many other nationalities.
Tourism is a key industry and visitors flock to Lake Gardens, which are home to a butterfly park, orchid garden and South East Asia’s largest bird park.
The park also has its own observation wheel, unveiled in 2007, called the Eye on Malaysia, similar to the London Eye.
It has 42 gondolas and rotates slowly, giving stunning views over the city and reaching 60 meters into the air."
Taken from the Monopoly website.
Alright, alright, so, Monopoly might be a little bias on, Kuala Lumpur. You Penang, Johor, Kuching, Selangor, etc..etc...etc... might feel a little left out, but, come on, think what this would do for the nation!
Get voting now!!Get your friends to vote now!!!
Get blogging about it now!!!!
Get the entire nation to vote for it now!!!!!
Vote vote vote!!
If can, lets make this vote hotter then the upcoming election!!
Vote at:
Voting ends February 29, 2008.
You can vote once a day!
Vote everyday!
Current Kuala Lumpur Rank is 49/68
Haha, that's very patriotic of you.
I still recalled the time when we all had to vote for the Seven Wonders, I never even voted for KLCC. =D
hem..maybe you should start to be patriotic.. :p
I love this country.. just..not too sure about the government..
can i pass this call ? :P
pass anything you like. ;P
thanks =)
gong xi fa cai !
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