PUTRAJAYA: Each polling stream in the coming general election will get two bottles of indelible black ink that will be applied to the left forefinger of voters.
@.@... I'm gonna have my nails painted for free for voting??
@.@... I'm gonna have my nails painted for free for voting??

Taken from The Star Online
After reading the long long article, publish in the newspaper, it got me thinking..
What if I had nail polish on? Won't the ink can't be seen?

It just make no sense, I've always thought our voting system was secure until recently, I've heard of Multiple voting. Does this mean that, last time, multiple voting has been going on and we didn't know about it until now?
Well, one thing about painting nails as a sign of voting, is just, truly, funny..
I mean..cant they get anymore ridiculous?
Imagine, if Dr. Chua were to mention that he was the man in the video, days after he voted.

I think.. Puting a thin black line is as bad is, having a rotten tooth at your two front teeth! Like this:

I believe the government should be more creative and secure if you want to paint the parts of the body.
I believe, nails are bad idea, I can have fake nails, I can use nail polish remover, I can paint over my nails.. This list can go on..
We should have something like:

The Ultimate!!

If the gavernment only did this.. how I wish.. she was Malaysian and I was the one painting her..

Thought, I'm not a fan of Britney.. :p
People, Happy Voting.. :)
and having your nails painted..
To Wilayah peepz, Happy Federal Territory day!
*All picture shown above are taken from somewhere*
*Picture are edited and are for reading purposes*
*basically, don't sue me if your picture are up here*
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