I feel guilty.. Seriously I do!!
Well, story begins like this:
On friday, after getting home from badminton, I really almost got into an accident.
There was this Mazda-RX 8 and a Bradus Merz racing on the NPE highway.
The Mazda-RX 8 was infront of the Bradus, preventing the Bradus from over-taking him.
What happen eventually, the Honda (Me), was in the middle of the race, and, yea, with their roaring engine being combusted beside my car, really makes my 2.0Liter engine feels like a 0.66Liter Kancil engine!
So, i was online that night, talking VAL, and eventually, added Yvonne, Seok Kheng, Yuen Mun and on Saturday, Silas.
We that night, the on saturday, it is the day where the news will spread.
Val was suppose to put it up in Biomed Forum.
Seok Kheng was suppose to put it up in Biomed Blog.
Yvonne was suppose to yea, convince people it happen.
Yuen Mun was suppose to spread the world to Erica and few other peepz.
And I was suppose to spam the chatter box with it.
And Silas, well, i just feel bad, so i let him know.
At least now, we have connectiont to all the classes. :p
What the story?
well, it goes with this message..
Hello Guys,
(VAL) here..
This news came to me today from Hwei Ming¡¦s sister Hwei Wan while I tried to contact him on MSN yesterday.
Apparently, Hwei Ming, our beloved class rep had met an accident on his way back from University.
Hwei Ming is currently in Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre in ICU ward.
I don¡¦t know what is his condition now, but, Hwei Ming¡¦s sister told me that he was unconscious.
I really hope everyone would pray for him to have a speedy recovery.
The class wouldn¡¦t be the same anymore without him.
Also, let us wish Hwei Ming to have a speedy recovery by sending him a message at his mobile so when he wakes up, at least he would be happy to know that we are there, caring for him while we as unconscious.
I am planning to have a gathering to go visit him on Tuesday after the Biotech Competition.
Eveyone who wishes to come, please sent me a message.P.S. Don¡¦t forget to sent him a get well message.
And, Spread the News!
Hwei Ming 0123216297
Val - 0173767477
That was the story!
Well, let me tell you story behind the sense!!
1) Reason why Hwei Ming ended up in the hospital is because, nobody wants to go to the hospital.
2) Yvonne had a sudden attack of goodness.
3) I was thinking what will Yin Ying be doing, because she was the last person I talk to in Uni.
4) I too had a suddent attack of goodness.
5) I was more worried about Yan Min and Kimberlyn5) I think this plan got back fired!
Outcome of the this event!
1) There was a boost in Biomed forums and BMS blog activity!
2) Hwei Ming loves you guys more!!
3) Hwei Ming loves loves you guys even more!!
4) Hwei Ming knows you guys love him too!!
Personal Message:
I, Hwei Ming, personally take all responsibility of this Event. Well, even though I subject myself to all the cause and effect of this event, nevertheless, Yuen Mun, Yvonne, Seok Kheng, Val and Silas are not to be forgotten for the contribution that they have contribute. I take this apportunity thank them. Thank you guys.
Personally, I was amaze how the you guys get around with news like these. I am truly greatful to know that I have a friend like you! I know it is a day before April Fool well, even that didnt exactly manage to convince all of you guys that I am in Hospital!
What I am really also amaze was, how you guys get around and started to use the Biomed forum and BMS blog!
I would say, good job! and Keep it up! And dont hate me for it!! :)
I am truly sorry if I ever did put your lives in sadness and missery. I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart.
And I promise that this event was on only because of April's Fool.
This kind of things will never happen anymore and that, you have my sworn words.
So, the next time these kind of stuff occurs, please, do panic!
I take this apportunity to also say sorry to a few peepz..
I am sorry Kimberlyn!(Plz dont go to the hospital!)
I am sorry Yau Suen!
I am sorry Rabby!
I am sorry Erica!
I am sorry Kok Loong!(Your Message was really sweet!!)
I am sorry Siew Hwei!
I am sorry Kavita!
I am sorry Gian!
I am sorry Josh!
I am sorry Yan Min!
I am sorry Prassan!
I am very sorry to everyone!!
And the most unexpected!!
I am very very sorry Rakish!
*Well, I am not LoA (Lack of Attention)..
Well, final thanks to those who chip in help.
Actually, the prank was bocor de...
For those of you who got prank!
April Fool!!
~Hwei Ming
God Bless