so, after badminton, we all drive down to Yuen's Steam Boat.

Girls eat like Man too you know!!

Yan Min was, well, picking out food at that time...

Whatever is that la..hahaha..
Pity her...have to follow us go eat steamboat!!

Soon, the dudes arrive, Kok Loong, josh, Min Yuan, and Gian..

And, these are the picture of some very hungry badminton players!!

We all ate, till we couldn't fit anything more into our stomach, we all ate so much mushroom, probably more then what we've eaten in your entire lifes!!
And, eventually, we just chilled, and started talking about "the tapak tangan tilip nasib"thinging la.. with Val as the SIFU!!

Kok Loong, seems very pleaseant(Bellow) as, he has the best hand's premonition!
Well, sad to say, Min Yuan, "Lets go night club now!!"

Well, all that palm premonition thing, Yan Min and Me, snap this picture!!

Man, this time, he is thinking of plastic surgeory!*Pity Min Yuan*
Yin Ying was looking at her luck too!!
And, probably, the most outstanding picture, of randomly snapping was, this picture..
Miss Ooi Yin Ying!!
Award Winner of Randomness!!
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