"Congratulation, you are probably the first person in Malaysia to actually own an alpha 350" smiled one of Sony's promoter.
And I replied "Well, I did call you to see if the product is available, and you guys told me you have 5 units and it is available now!.."
Well, that almost summarize my story here.
Well, so, I was very much into getting a camera, a good camera, before going off oversea.
I was really into getting my very own Sony alpha 200, however, I also heard rumors of Sony Lunching a newer camera, the alpha 350 and 300, the following month.
Oh well, it is definitely worth the wait.
So, I waited, but, got a little impatient.
So, I emailed Sony, and guess what, on Monday, they told me the product was lunched recently, and gave me the price for the camera.
And I replied," Lunch recently, so, it is available at our local store?"
And, I was sented, KLCC, The Curve and Time's Square Sony telephone number and ask to purchase it there.
So, I actually took the liberty to call up KLCC, and, yes, the product was available, and, the lady on the telephone told me, there is 5 units available!
I smile putting down the phone, get a whole lump sum of grant from my dad, and headed to get one myself.
Went I arrived there, I was told the product was due to lunch 28 March!
How disappointing!!!
I was persistence, how on earth did they get me drag all the way to KLCC?
And come back without something!
I guess being relatively large has its advantages!
The fellow called up the product manager from don't know where, and said, "Product haven't lunch, but, we'll sell you the A350"
How un-disappointing!!
: )
I'm so happy with my new camera, however, there is still much to learn on how to take picture.
Too bad the camera can't take itself, I've fetch these picture of my new camera from a review camera web page.

Well, I was in dire need of a model, and what better way than to call up my bitch!
She just woke up, can you see the tahi mata there? :p
Congratz dude. Welcome to the Orange family =D
haha... now that you've said ..your new house does look like a freaking temple.. at least when the ghost pass thru your lane...u'll never worried of them getting them into your home
wah, new camera sial. how much the price?
eh, your house ah, you try leaving a donation box at the front door. Maybe after one week got enough $$$ to buy another camera hahaha
David: wahahaha.. I must say, I am a sucker for that colour too!!
c.l.i.c.h.e.g.a.l: Lol... I'm feeling muched safer now..!!
Wingie: wahahaha.. donation box huh... Maybe, i can stop relying on nuffnang and gain more money from the donation box.. :p
huhu..how much is that?
i currently surveying for a DSLR. At first i think i would take a200 but then Sony already announced that they will lauched this new model soon. since a200 was quite cheaper, 2 kit lens for rm2250.. then how about a350? how much u get it?
wowie, congrats on ur new purchase!
wish to have one too but still saving.. :D
psst.. I was in KLCC today and saw someone else bought the a350... 2nd buyer maybe? LOL
wowie, congrats on ur new purchase!
wish to have one too but still saving.. :D
psst.. I was in KLCC today and saw someone else bought the a350... 2nd buyer maybe? LOL
wowie, congrats on ur new purchase!
wish to have one too but still saving.. :D
btw i saw someone buying an a350 in KLCC yesterday.. 2nd user perhaps? =P
Congratulations, dude! The A350 is the most fun and practical Live View dSLR I've ever seen.
wat the price? i wan to know. :))
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