This is my first time, taking picture, with an almost power camera.
My very New, Sony alpha 350!!

Sony presents, Hwei Ming, taking picture!!

My new house, during the night!

My New house pillars..

Main Hall...

The fences which I painted..

Moving into a new house, means, moving the stuff too.. And i found some ancient collections!
I'm sorry mama, but tonight, I'm cleaning up the cellar.. :p

Old Black Label..
More Random pictures..

Mr Belalang..

Malaysia, Curry Laksa.. One of the best I've ever eaten! at Taman Midah..

A noob picture.. -_-

I was trying to take a star, but it ended up like the tape worm crawling in somebody's stomach..

The Moon..
My very New, Sony alpha 350!!

Sony presents, Hwei Ming, taking picture!!

My new house, during the night!

My New house pillars..

Main Hall...

The fences which I painted..

Moving into a new house, means, moving the stuff too.. And i found some ancient collections!
I'm sorry mama, but tonight, I'm cleaning up the cellar.. :p

Old Black Label..
More Random pictures..

Mr Belalang..

Malaysia, Curry Laksa.. One of the best I've ever eaten! at Taman Midah..

A noob picture.. -_-

I was trying to take a star, but it ended up like the tape worm crawling in somebody's stomach..

The Moon..
Wow....HweiMing experimenting with new camera.Cool~~~
Btw, did u take that moon shot today?
Coz i know today is a half moon
Yeap.. it is the same day...
hahaha... everyone is paying more attention to moon this days..
*I feel gay..*
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