For days, since me last final exam, sleeping was never sound!
Sleeping just seems like a, a...a.... routine.. :(
It was then, I decided to consult a doctor about my,... symptom...
A famous doctor, that has been said, to make you sleep better..
Sleeping just seems like a, a...a.... routine.. :(
It was then, I decided to consult a doctor about my,... symptom...
A famous doctor, that has been said, to make you sleep better..
After the long diagnose, he told me to eat chipster...
"Chipster??.. are you sure Doctor??"
"Yea.. don't you read blog? ever since Nuffnang wanted to do a birthday party, everyone is starting to sleep better with chipster"
"Oh... Ok... Thank you Doctor"
So, Yea, I bought Chipster, all 3 flavour...
And sleep..and sleep... and sleep...
And, before you knew it, I've missed the initial 29th Feb deadline..
Because, I was sleeping so well with chipster...
However, I was lucky, deadline got extended..
So, I continue sleeping with chipster, cause I sleep so well with it...
I've realize one thing..
Sleeping with Sour Cream and Onion, gives your a sour dreams... and your breath stinks like onion...
However, Sleeping with Hot & Spicy Chipster... bring hot and spicy girls into your dreams..
I don't know if you were a girl, what you'll be dreaming off... Cause, I'm a guy.. Duh...
See no pajamas? well, to be honest, i'll just sleep in what shirt and pants i have..
Don't be surprise if you see me sleeping in the lab coat..
Well, to dos.. gotta get myself some hot and spicy chipster and off to bed i go..
"I Sleep Better withhot babe beside me Chipster"
Sorry hot babes...
I don't know if you were a girl, what you'll be dreaming off... Cause, I'm a guy.. Duh...
See no pajamas? well, to be honest, i'll just sleep in what shirt and pants i have..
Don't be surprise if you see me sleeping in the lab coat..
Well, to dos.. gotta get myself some hot and spicy chipster and off to bed i go..
"I Sleep Better with
Sorry hot babes...
man!!! I can't believe u chose Chipster over a babe!! lol
u know u shld have had one pic where got babe and chipster in bed with you, but very squeezy... then next pic, you Kick the Babe off the bed. Lol
Haha... I just did...
To be honest, the product doesn't taste that bad at all...
I wouldn't be surprise someone out there, will choose, chipster over a hot guy too!!
That's new!!! Hopefully it is still there when im back in Malaysia!!! LOL! Damn those tasteless food here! =.="
har? afta u sleep on them,, those chipsters still can eat Not? kekeke
Eh, where can you sleep with a hot babe on the same bed as you? Must get busy la hahaha
if everyone in the world choose chipster over babes like you.. probably they should just abolished the idea of having miss malaysia,miss world or miss congeniality..and have miss chipster...
-mel- : It will.. its like the one of the most popular crackers to hit the blog sphere..
spookygrace: I must admit..they have good packaging to withstand my weigh of my head.. X.X..
wingie: hey man... what sup?!! Long time no see.. Haha.. must get busy huh... I'll keep that in mind.. :p
c.l.i.c.h.e.g.a.l : Hey.. :) ... haha.. Miss Chipster huh.. To be honest, I'll never thought of that..gonna blog that soon!!
wah miss chipster... so what they wear for the catwalk? chipster packet ah? fuiseh
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