RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!
Weird things? Habits? Little Known Facts about myself?
ok... If that is what you wanna know... Don't puik k...
1) I'm a bad boy!!
I use to be so naughty, till my mama will woop my ass real hard...
Actually, I'm still naughty now, but, I guess, I just got more mature with my pranks and wrong doing...
2) I always imagine I were the king of the world...
Serious!! NO joke... I wanna be king!!
but not like this king...

3) I always wanted to try that...
with a girl.... :)

4) I think I'm vein...
compared to most guys, I think I'm one of the most concern about my appearance...
like the guy in the middle...

5) I'm a shopper-holic!!
Some say, might be worst than a girl!! When I want something.. I want I want I want!! Dont care a million buck also.. I want!!
6) I have weird wisdom tooth...
If you want to know more, the next time you see me... ask me to open my mouth and have a look at it yourself!!
Its no wonder my conversation brings no wisdom....
*not responsible if you faint due to bad breath!!*
7) I have a Happy Book to keep myself happy during my down times..
This book is also the first book I actually read it with someone...
8) I fancy Honda...alot!!
All the cars in my house are Honda!! :p

9) I'm running out of ideas doing this TAG!!
The title says it all!!
10) Many didnt know this... but..
This is actually my second attempt blogging.. I gave up once due to a life changing drama...
11) I having a identity crisis...
Some people say, I speak like an Indian, look like a typical Chinese, act like freaking orang putih...
12) I like... I like... to eat!!
food is life!! OMG!! If you go out with prepare to just...makan!!
13) I hate stupid and useless people!!
Particularly usless one la.. sorry if you are one of them... buck up dude!!
14) I'm a mad scientist!!
I walk around, thinking of equation... after meal, I imagine the path of my food in my body..
went looking at people, I imagine the muscle and bone movements...
freak huh.. thank got no x-ray vision...

nothing els to comment on that.. :p
I tag:
All DBMG-ians...
thats like what?? 16 of us... more then the required 10.. :p
Anyway, lets go to Zouk after this k.. :D
1 comment:
You're a dead man.
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