Ok... Lets go Terrace Bar!!
Terrace Bar playing home to the mellow sounds of singer-songwriters.
Go there...was shock to see..Why so many people??

Why ar??
Jan_E also tak tau, Simon also don't know...

Oh, Alaling was singing.. No wonder la...
A very sweet singer, with sweet voice...
Make music sounds so happy..

Check out her singing la.. Surely you put replay it one...
Next, we have the Lurks!!
This dude sing with his lungs out!!!
Seriously passionate about music!!

Ok, now go downstairs, go Velvet...
The Velvet Underground resounding to the beats of DeeJays and Hip Hop acts...
Ok, so, I don't have much chun pictures..because Velvet was so dark, and my flash unit doesn't have a diffuser...
But, all I say was that, it was fantastic.
There were DJ Clinic by none other then, DJ Fuzz.. Point Blanc (IpohMali dudes) was there too...
It was so great that this dude came and shuffle on the dancing floor..

Wah, Nokia IAC cap caught in action too...
Ok..now people, lets go back up to Zouk Main Room...
and look...Deserters!!
In the Main Room is all about independent Rock bands!!
You know, those kind of head banging music your mama don't want you to listen at...but you still do...

Deserters was great!! Its not your average rock band!! It's your LOCAL rock band!!
Ok, the sky is getting dark.. lets go out to Terrace Bar..
Why go out again say you???
Because, Pete Teo is there!!
The most successful English singer songwriter in Malaysia!!

You can cheak out more about him on his website.. www.peteteo.com .. Quite obvious huh... :p
Hem, always get block by someone when wanna take picture...

Ok, anyway, that sums up almost everything.. one more post and it's all done!! Then, get back to Marie Digby post..
So, what is coming next???

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1 comment:
hi hwei ming!
thanks for posting our pics and our demo song up! hope u had fun hor.. :D
we're sharing the stage with Superbar this may 29 at Groove Junction, come if u free k! show starts at 930pm, no cover charge we heard, so yay!
hope to see ya!
ching/alaling & the kaya koks
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