Or read all post with the Tag IAC here.
Okie Dokie... Here are all the not so relevant pictures and what I did during the Nokia IAC at Zouk on the 10th May...
well, for starters!! I got a VIP pass man!!!
But, why was not it relevant?
I got it when the event was going to end, just to get into the loft for dinner from Nokia.. :D

Another not so relevant pictures for the event, but very relevant for me...
Group Photo!!!

Ok.. see if I can remember,
From Left: Cheong, Thomas Yap, Nadia, Simon, Aaron Ho, David Cheong, Randy, Joshua, Will, Yuan, Stanley, Nigel.. Fuah!!
Not in picture but at event...
Yatz, Jan_E, David Lian, David Lai, Robb
Aiyak...one more fellow forgot what name already..
I think its Aaron...lol...
Anyway, here is a picture of David Lian...
Not ultra geeky also... :p

Hey look..more irrelevant picture of the event!!
Food!! Yum Yum!! I love food!!!

This two fellow(below) was like following where the action was...lol...
So happy to see them happy, since the video cam is not light weighted at all!!

3rd time block my camera man!!!
I gonna get a twist able lens next time they invent it!!

anyway, the bloggers, well, most of the bloggers.. sneak out of the event due to dire need of some human fuel!!
Was freaky hungry and
We went to A&W to fill up..and well, take more pictures..
Robb claim fond over Chili sauce...

Yuan was just happy to eat!! see...

Nigel... well, is just Nigel.. :D

finally huh..a picture of me.. :p
Another group photo!!

Anyway, one can only say that much with a mouth.. But a pictures say a thousand words....
Unfortunately, an animation of Thomas goes up till billions!!

We love you Thomas!!
Always stay happy and do funny faces!!
Special thanks to all the photographers,
Hwei Ming, David, Nigel, Aaron Ho, Nadia, Joshua
Sorry if I miss out anyone..
Did I?
Anyway, whose up for Domino's Pizza Next?
dang it i shouldn't have read it. Now I'm hungry!!! I want that carbonara!
ur post nice wehhh... lolx hehehe
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