As you know, Hwei Ming, the
little big boy enjoys cruising on the high way, at speed beyond the reach of a Kancil. I'm always imagine myself as an F1 driver.. speeding through the road, turning here, turning there... Hoping my ABS, EBS, Trashing Control, Air Bags, Seat Belt and other safety features of the car don't fail that will cause me my life if it do..

*Touch Wood*
I remembered...the day, when I started to drive, got knock in the 3rd day of driving by a Kereta Lembu in my very own Kereta Lembu... Moo...
One thing in particular that I still remembered during my "L" days was...
A conversation I had with my driving Instructor....
"Pernah pandu tak kamu?"
Me,"Tak pernah.."
"ok... sekarang, tekan clutch, lepas tu, tekan minyak, lepas clutch dan jalan"
Me, nodding my head, trying to register what he said...
and, He, push his chair back and SLEPT!!
I remembered my car bouncing, rocking the instructor to sleep.. :p
Then, the car felt like so heavy, like rock and I starting thinking of traffic accident...

Then, it got heavier...

and heavier!!!

But hey, did I also mention that, despite of being totally ignored while learning driver, wasn't so bad at all!! Instructor won't marah, cause sleeping..haha....
So, I got the hang of it, and driving, began to be a normal thing...
And something like below, hopefully won't happen.. :D

Anyway, there is another How I Learn to Drive experience going on... Haha...WTF.. Two Learning to Drive Experience?
haha... Read on...
Paula Vogel's How I Learned to Drive

Growing up in a family with thin, penetrable personal boundaries, Li'l Bit becomes the victim of an incestuous intimacy - Uncle Peck does not only teach his teenage niece to drive, but sexualises her childhood as well.
Narrated through a series of bittersweet flashbacks,
How I Learned to Drive is an honest, coming-of-age account on forgiveness, healing and growth – and how one can find light even from the unhealthiest of relationships.
How I Learned to Drive was first produced in 1997 in New York City and has since been awarded, in addition to the Pulitzer: the Obie, the Drama Desk Award, the New York Drama Critics Award, the Outer Circle Critics Award, and the Lucille Lortel Award.
Featuring Amelia Chen, Johann Lim, Doreen Loo, Davina Goh and Mark Beau de Silva, with Kelvin Wong as Creative Director.
Presented by The Oral Stage. Supported by Living Arts and Autodetailer.
SHOWDATES & TIMES4th – 7th June 2008 @ 8.30 pm
7th – 8th June 2008 @ 3.00 pm
VENUEThe Actors Studio Bangsar
Level 3,West Wing
Bangsar Shopping Centre
285, Jalan Maarof Bukit Bandaraya
59000 Kuala Lumpur
TICKETSRM33 (Adults); RM22 (Students, senior citizens & the disabled)
TICKET CONTACTTAS @ BSC Box Office: 03-2094 0400/1400
ON THE WEBhttp://www.theoralstage.com*FOR MATURE AUDIENCES
Warning... IMMATURE AUDIENCES NOT WELCOME.. :p = Hwei Ming Not Welcome.. :(
Ok.. somehow, I accidentally post my own version of How I learn to Drive..
Here is what I was suppose to post up..
Growing up in a family with thin, penetrable personal boundaries, Li'l Bit becomes the victim of an incestuous intimacy - Uncle Peck does not only teach his teenage niece to drive, but sexualises her childhood as well.
Narrated through a series of bittersweet flashbacks, HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE is an honest, coming-of-age account on forgiveness, healing and growth – and how one can find light even from the unhealthiest of relationships.
HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE was first produced in 1997 in New York City and has since been awarded, in addition to the Pulitzer: the Obie, the Drama Desk Award, the New York Drama Critics Award, the Outer Circle Critics Award, and the Lucille Lortel Award.
Featuring Amelia Chen, Johann Lim, Doreen Loo, Davina Goh and Mark Beau de Silva, with Kelvin Wong as Creative Director.
Supported by Living Arts and Autodetailer. "…one of the best plays of the decade." – USA Today
"…a tremendous achievement; genuine and genuinely disturbing." – Village Voice
*FOR MATURE AUDIENCES Check out the interview on the NTV7 Breakfast Show.
Click here to watch the interview.
The wonderful word : FREE. Yeah TOS is being kind enough to give away some free tickets to a few lucky people and bloggers. So how can you get free tickets? Two ways:
1. Head on to Kakiseni and join the How I Learned to Drive Contest. Click here to join the contest NOW!
2. Just do ONE POST on How I Learned To Drive, telling people about it and you can be one of the few bloggers who will receive some complimentary tickets to watch the show. Make sure you have a link back straight to TOS and once you have your post done send the link of your post to this email:
We have a couple of buttons mad out if you some of you out there would like in spreading this show to the public.
Just save the following buttons and link them back to this link It will look something like what I have on my sidebar.

4th – 7th June 2008 @ 8.30 pm
7th – 8th June 2008 @ 3.00 pm
The Actors Studio Bangsar Level 3,
West Wing Bangsar Shopping Centre
285, Jalan Maarof Bukit Bandaraya 59000 Kuala LumpurTICKETS
RM33 (Adults); RM22 (Students, senior citizens & the disabled)
TAS @ BSC Box Office: 03-2094 0400/1400THE BLOG!
Founded in 2004, The Oral Stage (TOS) is an independent youth theatre company comprising of youth from all walks of life, regardless of theatre background. TOS has nurtured more than 70 individuals to date and has 5 productions under its belt, having performed in several venues around Kuala Lumpur, The Klang Valley and Penang Island. Presenting a myriad of issues pertaining to youth today, the company utilizes theatre as a significant medium that engages, evokes and entertains an audience, while channelling across the voice of Malaysian youth.
Should you require additional information regarding the production or The Oral Stage, please contact Charmayne Chung at or Melissa Loovi at