Malacca Trip
It was early dawn, when I was still snoring in my bed...
So reluctant to get out of bed.. It was time to go to Malacca...
Road was empty.. No hot chick driving around.. No car... Nothing...
And that...
made me sad..
It was early dawn, when I was still snoring in my bed...
So reluctant to get out of bed.. It was time to go to Malacca...
Road was empty.. No hot chick driving around.. No car... Nothing...

made me sad..

After going to temple..going here and there..
we ate..
And this papa of mine..did something unexpected...

Even his son cant imitate the look.. maybe one day, when I'm as old as him..has so many responsibility like him.. i shall inherit that smile... *NOT the baldness*

Oh yea.. if you still don't know..
This is Hwei Ming version 2008!!
Not so much of baggy.. No more oversize whatever...
*gangster pose*

Thanks Dad for being my model beside me..:)..*winks*

Ready to meet some UK chicks?
hahahahahahaha..... I wish la...
Anyway, one thing that i really dislike driving in Malacca is.. The signboard for the road are badly located..

Leeds VS Manchester
I'm having like the biggest dilemma recently..
I've gotten my results..and i am qualified to enter the 2 uni of my choice..
University of Manchester or University of Leeds..
Ranking wise, Manchester is slightly... SLIGHTLY... above Leeds...
Manchester is more recognize.. and. it is basically...a good U...
And, its has, Manchester United.. :P
However, I can't really stop thinking about the location..
Manchester U is located at the heart of Manchester..
And that, for me, isnt really conducive...
Manchester, just lacks the green...
And i am hoping it wouldn't end up like Taylor's University College...
Leeds however, has more is definitely a nice place to just sit in the park, Pak Tor-ing...
For Manchester U, you might just get a big gasp for CO2...
Actually, I'm like 99% on with Manchester, its just that 1%, that tiny bit inside me, that tells me to go to Leeds...
Help me guys...
Map of University of Manchester
I've gotten my results..and i am qualified to enter the 2 uni of my choice..
University of Manchester or University of Leeds..
Ranking wise, Manchester is slightly... SLIGHTLY... above Leeds...
Manchester is more recognize.. and. it is basically...a good U...
And, its has, Manchester United.. :P
However, I can't really stop thinking about the location..
Manchester U is located at the heart of Manchester..
And that, for me, isnt really conducive...
Manchester, just lacks the green...
And i am hoping it wouldn't end up like Taylor's University College...
Leeds however, has more is definitely a nice place to just sit in the park, Pak Tor-ing...
For Manchester U, you might just get a big gasp for CO2...
Actually, I'm like 99% on with Manchester, its just that 1%, that tiny bit inside me, that tells me to go to Leeds...
Help me guys...
Map of University of Manchester
Best Steam Chicken Rice So Far!!
I don't care what you guys ever call me, dirty little fellow, poor, stingy, low class, whatever... But i gotta tell you, do not under estimate this little shop..

It might be small, you might fine rats crawling around your feet while you are eating.. Some of you might get Sick and Really Sick after eating it..
But, to me, I've never gotten a tummy ache eating here.. and i shall call this, the best chicken rice so far.. in my 19 years of living..
Well, exam was over months ago, results are already out, and only finally, I've clean my room..
While cleaning, I've stumble on memories, which I put a smile on my face..
Ok..ok.. I slide open this drawer of mine.. and found a shit lot of ang pau, not yet open since this year Chinese New Year..
While cleaning, I've stumble on memories, which I put a smile on my face..
Ok..ok.. I slide open this drawer of mine.. and found a shit lot of ang pau, not yet open since this year Chinese New Year..

I bet, you couldn't get a hold of this time of the year huh.. "p
*messing room...*
Anyway, I found a box.. :) the most memorable item... just a box..

Anyway, I found a box.. :) the most memorable item... just a box..

* i put my hands in it, but couldn't find any sanitary napkins*... I wonder what happened to it.. :p
I've got my ear pierced!!!

Really.. I am...
More then 6 months into renovation, and the house is still not completed...
And, I've stumble upon some dog discrimination...
Cat, dog, and lain lain has separated treatment room..
Cat, dog, and lain lain has separated treatment room..

hehehe... so bored thats why thought got discrimination.. :P
RM50 ringgit star winner wanna be...
I'm like so tempted to submit this picture into The Star..and win myself RM 50...

IMU Friday Night
When to IMU one friday.. duh.. it has to be on friday to be called friday night...
it was late, and IMU, being a deserted uni aka shopping mall...was..well.. empty..
Prav and Me, and some girl which Prav and Me dont know her name...
Well, was talking..

I went to an Indian Wedding...
Ok.. Ok.. I've got to admit it...
This is my only 2nd time, going to an indian wedding...
well, Kavi's wedding will be the 3rd, morni's the on.. :P
well, it was truly an experience..

I've always love my every experience cup of coffee at StarBucks Subang Jaya.. Not to say that, other outlet are bad, well, the subang Jaya outlets, just know me very well!!
And look what they did for me!!

Went to sunway laggon with uni mates..
Anyway, Seok ask me, why min yuen picture so little in my flickers..
In this picture(below) , I've just realise how, LARGE am i.. X.x..

I sist to comment in this picture...
but i dont mind commenting the half naked guy in the ride...
SEXY is what i call them...
NO.. no.. not the girls.. the GUY is the ride..the half naked one..
Anyway, val looks got electric shocked!

Oh yea... From where i'm standing, i could only hear, val , yin ying, siew hwei, yan min, screaming.. :p

Well, if you guys don;t know, the ship thats once harmless, and give you the butterfly feeling in your stomach, is now a hardcore ride which gosh upside down!

wee............lets take it for another spin!!
ok..ok.. so, i cant swim.. so, i took picture with yan min..
anyway, pictures below was HTML attach with it, just copy and paste it in HTML and you'll get the pic, I'm sorry i'm unble to set the HTML for the rest of the pic.. too lazy to get through one by one..

Sadly, Yan Min and Me well, wasnt ready for the water.. so, we just walk..and walk and walk to end time...

I really dun know whats going on, but, both of us have our eyes close..kekeke... maybe it was just sunny.. :P

Argh.. di na sour...

eeekkk... Di na so rous..

Don;t bite my finger...

Anyway, we ended the day with dinner at Sakei Sushi..
with min yuen still gone!!
Mana tat budak pergi romantic..??
*good bless*
with min yuen still gone!!
Mana tat budak pergi romantic..??
*good bless*
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